19 January, 2004 - 09:57

It was a double-holocaust dream night.

As we were running from something bad happening, we were looking for somewhere to escape what was chasing us. I believe my immediate family was with me, along with some people who were obviously affected by whatever the approaching threat was. We found a weak point in the fence that led to an outer area in a small valley where we knew they wouldn't find us. There was a shelter and a lot of people already there, although I suspected that those present were gypsies because of the temporal nature of the shelter. As soon as we arrived, the gypsies left, leaving a significant amount of their food and some other things. As we crowded together, I saw someone on top of the hill walking around in starvation, falling down. I saw my grandmother and another woman, clutching roses, jump off the ledge from whatever was imminently attacking them and from what we had escaped.


My family and I had a house where there were some people living with us, who I think were Jewish. We were talking one day and suddenly there was a ringing at the door. I could see through the perspective of the person ringing the bell at the door. The bell was old- fashioned and was made of a small, steel hook which protruded into the door to ring a gong inside. We knew immediately that it was someone who was inspecting our house, looking for Jews. The Jewish family ran upstairs and we let the inspectors, who were a husband and wife team, inside our house. We offered them food, coffee and they began their inspection of our house. They started with the main floor. Then we went upstairs, where the family was hiding, but they were presently not there. Then, I realised that my father had excused himself earlier to go warn the family to come downstairs while the inspectors were searching the top floor. I made several mental notes that modern floor construction was good in that it allowed no squeeking to occur, which was obviously in the family's favour. I even tried squeeking the floor without success.

What are these dreams about? I'm not Jewish. I'm partially German, is it some kind of energetic-geneological remembrance? My family, somewhere, helped to house Jews during the Nazi occupation? I would sincerely hope so.

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo