02 September, 2006 - 01:12

Is it really the second of September? wow. Time goes by, cliche and all, but. I am high. and apparently it makes it very difficult for me to write. but i have a smile on. i got the nicest smile from a passerby whilst walking - perhaps i was waltzing? - down albert street. i love getting feedback on looking nice - a woman walked by me and smiled the biggest, most bounteous grin i have ever seen. remember all the stuff they told us on sesame street? they were right. all right. i was having a discussion with some friends on how our generation was such a social experiment from the folks in the sixties. no complaints, just remarks. we grew up on the embedded messages of sesame street and "open concept" schools. my elementary and junior high had no walls. originally thought to allow for interactive learning and centre-based activities. how i remember the water table! and the sand table! we were encouraged to think and learn what we wanted to learn. and what ever happened to that? what happened to my thoughts of moving on with the universe in a collective way? thing is, i still really do believe in those styles of learning. i do! sometimes i get a little worried because i am not sure where the activist generation has gone. i would like to think that we have learned, grown and understood some of the important lessons - and that there are certain implicit actions which we now hold as truths: recycling is important, political actions is ok, speaking your mind is very important. and i see the idea of a world consciousness emerging, although i can't quite grasp how that engaged process can possibly match up to the realities. so i suppose the struggle, in most ways, is the same - but at least this time we have more information. and i have sand in my ears, ew.

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo