21 February, 2005 - 10:38

Peace Corps kids. Some of them really are kids.

I got a call from a guy who claimed to know a friend of mine from Montreal and said that my Malawian name and number were somehow passed to him.

He is a Peace Corps volunteer. He invited me out. He's gay.

So we went out dancing to Chez Ntemba, which is always a fun place since there are a lot of Malawians, a good number of Indians and a few Mzungu (us whities). He lived in Montreal, studied at McGill and apparently thought that he lived the appropriate Montreal experience by going dancing to Sky Pub and organising homo-hops on campus at McGill. He asked if I knew Jon.

I knew Jon, the anarchist hottie at Books for Prisoners.

Nope, it wasn't his Jon. Of course it wasn't his Jon I knew even before his mouth opening that there was no way in a cold day in the Sahara that it would be the same Jon.

We are not of the same people. He is not. He just isn't.

And then he said, "Are you ok with drugs?" to which I said, "Yes" and he said, "Because I'm on one now".

Who fucking cares?


Even more mortifying was that he started elaborately French-kissing a girl sitting next to him whilst Malawians (and myself as well) looked on in horror and embarrassment.

I'm not prude. But you don't stick your tongue down someone's throat in a country where it's pretty bold to hold your partner's hand in public.

You just don't do it. But he did it and I was completely grossed out with people who have no idea what it is to be in tune with the space around them. And it also makes me even more disgusted with the United States, a lot of the people that live there now including the rich kids from leftie families who think that Peace Corps is a rite of passage.

I suspect it's more a rite of passage for the host countries' people to witness the total inanity and utter hopelessness of a very good portion of people who live in the USA.

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo