09 July, 2004 - 09:34

My coworker F said something so interesting yesterday... we were moving boxes and had dry hands so I offered her some hand cream during which she said,

'Oh, Adam, you're such a good guy, I wish you could have found a really nice girl'

to which I said,

'A nice girl?' (And this is all considering the whole HIV stuff I've already told them) 'Flory, if you haven't figured THAT out by now...!'

People are so weird. I guess she was waiting for me to come out to her before she could say anything, but still her default was hetero. She also gave me the impression that it's all a choice. IF ONLY I had found a nice girl, yeah. IF ONLY I had been straight as an arrow and found a nice GIRL and a white house with a three-legged dog, there would never have been any of these problems that plague those freaky gays.

Homophobia and bias comes out in places where I least expect it, even someone raised Greek Orthodox and lives in Montreal should know. No?

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo