27 January, 2004 - 11:53

And my neighbours.

Upstairs, they have been waking up and walking loudly around at 5am every day this week. Yesterday I imagined they were playing a !fun! dropping-things-off-the-bed game starting at around 5:30. It goes like this:

1. Collect all the pointed, heavy objects in the house

2. Put them very close to the edge of a bed and push them off to see what kind of sound it makes when it lands on the two-centimetre-thick floor

3. Walk around the fallen objects and listen to them slide all over the wood flooring as you walk through them.


This morning they decided on a totally new game - five loads of laundry starting at 5:30 in the morning. I always feel a bit mad (in the sense of nutty) when I'm woken up by perpetual noise in the early morning. This morning was no exception and it turns me into Gollum from Lord of the Rings:

Adam: "Neighbours is bad, we must kill neighbours"

GollumAdam: "Neighbours is our friend, we love neighbours, they has dirty laundry they must do now because no other time!"

Adam: "Neighbours is bad, we must kill neighbours with rusty, dull blade"

... and so on and so forth.

Gone are the days when I put up with things like this, so I suspect before long my mighty pen will present itself for a tryst with my brain to produce a scathing, yet diplomatic missive for my neigbours.

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo