10 May, 2002 - 10:48

it's a rainy day. i'm getting more interested in my anti social behaviour. perhaps i'm more misanthropic than i thought i was.

but actually no that's not true, thankfully.

i've begun to pick my nose in public. it's not a good habit. i'm not sure what to do about it. sometimes, my consciousness resurfaces in time for me to find my finger buried inside of my left nostril in the middle of the staff room. this is problematic.

on a far more interesting note, i've begun to revert back to a machine gun carrying vegan-kid. meat is far overrated, especially after reading howard lyman. he's not such a fantastic writer and he has weird allegiances to nationalism (aren't all vegans anarchists?), but i believe his stories.

my brain is being challenged a little more lately after having started aikido. i think the reason i have a silly walk is because i'm a little off the centre of gravity. or my body has grown slightly askew from the normal symmetry of human shapes. this means that learning how to sweep, flip, and do many moves which tend to oddly resemble a tango dance is helping get all that sorted.

matt and i had a great post-AIKIoital talk, albeit drunken, about friends and people we care about and how that affects our lives over here. he's got very different thoughts - feels that he doesn't need to keep in contact with folks back home because he can "get new friends". just like . . . a kitkat bar? what? i don't get that.

i'm all green today. green airforce pants, a green tshirt with brown-orange lines and a silly green/orange/brown tennis wristband.

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo