2001-11-29 - 19:09

i don't know what it means but i've rented an old french celine dion cd, sitting around eating sweet potato mush and steamed spinach. i think either i miss bad french radio that acts as a blanket in montreal or i miss montreal. the latter.

sitting under the kotatsu (heated coffee table thingy) and chilling out on a cold, rainy evening. i will be meeting up with tom and matt later to go to the snack bars. (hostess bar)

my sister is coming in less than two weeks. i'm trying to plan a bit of an adventure up to hokkaido to visit with misu for over the holidays. i'm just not sure how to get there. the shinkansen is far too takai, driving would be better. i don't know if my car could do it. it makes a retching noise every time i turn a corner so perhaps it's not suited for the hokkaidan roads and snow. i dunno. ahhhhhhhhhhh, "pour que tu m'aimes encore" haven't heard this since mix 96 at cegep maisonneuve cafeteria days. geraldine who said, "salut, mon grand!" to me every morning.

must tend to dinner.

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo