2001-04-28 - 12:14 a.m.

Provigo, scene of (fatal?) accident.

It's a fairy uneventful space. Except for tonight as I was locking up my bike and looked to the 10-odd people crowded around something.

*Got a little closer*

Next thing I see around the people is a yellow Urgences Sant� car. I don't know if I want to look. As much as I'm glad Urgences Sant� is around, it gives me a bit of an uneasy feeling because normally they're all about things that I'm not quite ready to face yet, like human mortality for instance.

(Too busy with exams, you know?)

It's at this point that I curse peripheral vision because behind the crowd that had now grown to about twenty people, I saw the shape of an unnaturally-splaid body on the sidewalk. Then, just before I walked into the store, I saw two thick lines of blood - each about two metres long - stained on the concrete.

(It looked like paint when you flick paint on paper with a brush and not actually touching the paper.)

I guess this isn't so unusual, after all we live in a city. And, no, I won't wax poetic about how mortal 'we as humans' are. But I was amazed at the spectacle. I was amazed that people inside the Provigo were lining up beside the window even though a store manager who was visibly upset by the accident was shouting through tears that the entrace was closed off. Even though she went on the P.A. system, voice shaking, and announced that the front section was closed off. No one cared enough that she was upset to leave the window area because about 30 centimetres on the other side was a potential dead body. It was sick to watch her pushing people away from the window.

(Pane of glass between us and the dead body on the sidewalk at the Provigo, pane of glass between us and Melrose Place, with virtually no difference between the two)

Does anybody know good batteries to use in a digital camera so it doesn't die almost immediately? Do they make super-stong double As?

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo