2001-02-21 - 12:23:39

I can't seem to enjoy the mundanity of carnality anymore. This project of mine is taking up far too much of my thoughts, I've got sex work on the brain and sex workers in my notes..


field notes from 18-02-01:

I am out in the village having spoken to _____ [a sex worker] today .. walking along Alexandre DeSeve I was propositioned, "T'as-tu un smoke?", he asked. "No", I said. "Tu n'as pas de cigarettes sur toi?", he asked, seemingly clarifying his previous question. "No, I don't have any, I'm sorry", I said standing there wanting to move but also savouring the moment of not knowing what might manifest from this interaction.

I began to walk away from his sleazy smile and made about 3 metres of distance when he came back with, "Tu veux-tu prendre une biere avec moi?" He wasn't ugly, in fact I believe he was about 30 years old, and had intensely captivating body language.

"Non, vous-etes gentil...en tous cas, merci hein? Bonne soiree", I responded to this three-metre conversation. I walked north about a half-block to Ste. Catherine and watched him follow me slightly and then turned back toward the small park behind Club Sandwich.

I must admit here that I was in no small part disinterested in pursuing this offer having just spoken to _______ about his work and the way he spoke so encouragingly about it.

I found myself sussing the situation out: what this man looked like, what he was wearing, the tone in his voice, whether he appeared fucked up on a substance, if he had cuts or scars on his face, the tone in his voice and his alluring smile.

This combined with my overwhelming urge to flirt with someone, anyone, anytime was temporarily muddling.

How can my research have any validity if my knowledge is from second-hand sources?

It felt like an itch while I stood there in the 30 seconds of conversation much like the adolescent thrill of being around people who smoke up, a joint being passed around the circle while you wait for your turn.


recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo