2000-09-22 - 02.36

it's very late. this prison privatization thing is really pissing me off a lot. i try not to think of these social phenomena which seem to be so pandemic as agents of some sort of conspiratorial attack but yet how can we not think that? it has all the makings of conspiracy-- it's calculated, rational and is controlled by a vicious few. and it's beginning to be clearer and clearer that they are wrong. they're so wrong. how do you judge it? took me a long time because i hate these questions of polarization and right and wrong, it's so boring. so let's say this: who is being hateful and who is not? who is using patriarchal language and who is not? these sorts of questions allow a much more informed view on what it is that is central to this debate-- it's funny how knowledge becomes less and less insular by applying questions. gotta remember that for more personal life situations :)

and yes of course teixeira truth and correctness are two much different concepts. it's worth the thought to really separate them.

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo