2001-01-19 - 11:01:01

I'm never going to make the top ten list of diarylanders with the miserable rate i'm updating at. A big *shoulder shrug* to all those of you who are logging on and checking up on my life.

I admit i have a low motivation rate although each and every time i do in fact write it always feels immensely cathartic.

I finally delved tonight into linguistic theories of generative grammar - it was something which seemed to pass by my life even having taken an intro level linguistics course and phonology.

Anyway so i found that ... cheese whiz that noam guy's pretty smart.

Imagine wondering about oppression and the spanish civil war at eleven years of age and writing a sensible work at the same age. I'm sure his parents fed him mutant GM-crop asparagus.

Generative grammar does somewhat question what I've been up to till this point as a student in social "sciences", soci-bloody-ology to be specific. Learning behaviouristic approaches to humans and their cosmos is what we think about eh? It's all in socialisation. So blame your parents!

What's the friggin' proof then? Well, Mr. C uses this example of a Chinese baby coming to America has the same capability to learn English as does a wee bundle of American joy growing up in Maoist newspeak.

So if this universal language grid lets us communicate with each other quite easily why don't we use it? Imagine everyone in the world has this unseen, intangible little grammar sack, fused inside our brains! Hey baybee I like yourrrrr grammar!

How obscene. You know what that means. It means I'm tired and I haven't really had an epiphany today. That's okay because there's always tomorrow. For all the canucks out there, we can follow the mantra of the Littlest Hobo: "Maybe tomorrow, I'm gonna settle down. Maybe tomorrow, I'll just keep movin' on."

Bad advice don't follow the Littlest Hobo, he was a dang dog!

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo