2000-12-12 - 15:26:59

It's the twelfth today. Good number, I quite like it.

Today is my day of reckoning as I have to design a web site by this Thursday to prove that I have actually been attempting to do something to work at my stage for one of my courses.

I can't see how it can be that hard (gritting my teeth) and surely I'll get back to you on this one.

It began to snow snow snow last night and has lasted into today. I walked to work today in the middle of it and realised how much I like the snow and storms and living in the Northern Hemisphere. I don't care too much about Canada, eh, but living up here in the North of whatever is such great fun. We tend to be a somewhat anal people about a lot of things but this snowing deal brings out the best in everyone.. well, everyone except car drivers. But they just suck at everything.

Snow has this amazing attribute which allows it to mitigate the first reaction that so often surfaces about snow: "oh, no, it's snowing." Superficially I admit that I think the same but walking down Sherbrooke Street and seeing people slowing down, dressing up, and freaking out was a treat.

First thing I noticed while walking out of my door was that familiar sound of insularity. All city noises that insidiously make up my urban soundscape are quieter and buffed, like someone put a big duvet over top of it all. Finally, the city quiets down.

It's different from rain. Synaesthetically, it blocks or interrupts. Stops the continuity of a day and seriously puts a wrench in your sensual interplay. Rain is transparent, snow opaque. Those poor people in England, man, I wouldn't give this up for their bloody rain!

Well, talk to me February about that. I'll just enjoy it today.

recovering - 28 December, 2007

reaction - 22 October, 2006

real stuff - 10 September, 2006

drunk, this time - 04 September, 2006

it's not over - 03 September, 2006

past thoughts - next - take a dive

not necessarily intimate but defintely interactive


sausagey goodness

send me mail, yo